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Start a New Career in Canada’s
Cyber Security Industry
Over 30,000 jobs waiting to be filled
Build & Design
Delivered in Partnership with the
University of Ottawa
Professional Development Institute
All courses are 100% online and taught by professors

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University of Ottawa
Professional Development Institute
Certificate Program
Courses Delivered 100% Online 
Professor – Led Classes
Industry Certifications

What We Do

Cyber Skills for Canadians is a program that was established to help reskill and upskill individuals for employment in the tech industry. Our goal is to provide students with skills that are required to establish a stable career in cyber security where salaries are high and unemployment is low. The Cyber Skills for Canadians program has 3 academic streams..  
  • Secure Software Development
  • Cyber Security Network
  • Cyber Security Architect

You may be eligible for free tuition through our scholarship fund. The offer extends to those who want to retrain for software development & cyber security jobs and reside in the province of Ontario..

For prospective students who wants to learn the latest in the cyber curriculum, the Cyber Skills for Canadians program has the most advanced coursework in the country. Prior to enrollment, individuals submit their information on the Apply Now form on the Cyber Skills for Canadians website. Upon submission, the 2nd step includes completing an online intake assessment. Once both of these steps are completed, there is a final interview where one of our counselors will help you select the best career path in our program

From Retraining to Employment


Certification in CISSP, CCNA
and Python

University Professional Development Program

Upon completion participants will receive a professional development certificate

100% Online

Our Cyber Security course is entirely available online.

Soft Skill Enhancements

Students enrolling in the Cyber Skills for Canadians program typically have several years of work experience prior to entering the training or retraining. Soft skills instruction and coaching included in this program is provided through partner organizations focuses on:

  1. Building your personal professional brand
  2. Understanding organizational culture in the workplace
  3. Personal strengths and approach models
  4. Resume preparation and customizing application correspondence
  5. Portfolio development and presentation
  6. Interview skills and video preparation feedback